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Kingzer Group Site

Kingzer Electronics Group Limited

Logistic Management

KInformation system
Kingzer employs ORACLE, which is an Enterprise Resource Planning system that integrates and supports research and development, material requirements planning, purchasing, sales, manufacturing, distribution and financial resources needs. Its real-time data-sharing capability allows Kingzer to greatly enhance business flow and facilitates communication via the Virtual Private Network to maintain secure and open communication channels between the factory, offices and the customers.

Inventory management
Kingzer's Shenzhen warehouse facilities consolidate under one roof all materials received and arrange for their delivery to the manufacturing plant by truck. The Oracle information system constantly monitors and tracks all material movements yet provides flexibility in the delivery schedule to fit changes in production.

Transportation Management
Finished goods can be delivered directly from our manufacturing plant to port facilities in the PRC or Hong Kong for export. Specific truck schedules are arranged to group individual cargo loads and reduce transportation costs.


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Kingzer Electronics Group Limited  |  Shenzhen ICP License Code:05061186
Tel: 0086-755-83205836  Fax:0086-755-83205837